The Mission
We exist to host the King’s presence, have the King’s heart and to be the King’s Church.
The Vision
Our vision is to multiply the Kingdom, move the Kingdom and to manifest the Kingdom.
What We See...
We see a multiethnic and multigenerational worship environment that looks and sounds like Heaven. We will be a hub and an epicenter of an undeniable movement of God’s glory that manifests His Kingdom in power and demonstration. We will become first responders to revive those plagued by spiritual lethargy. We will establish a culture that awakens people to true intimacy in worship, Jesus-centered living and a Kingdom-centric worldview. We will be a generous church that prioritizes its efforts and resources on that of eternal value. Although we will be used by our King, we will never take His credit. We envision a church that doesn’t monopolize, but mobilizes, for Kingdom expansion.